Wednesday, 20 July 2011

What can our dogs teach us?

  1. Patience - Sometimes teaching a dog a new trick can be time consuming, and well, tricky.  In teaching my dog, Joey, tricks, and correcting behavior I've learned when things get frustrating, take a deep breath, concentrate on the goal and think of the solution not the problem.
  2. Goal Setting - When Joey was a puppy, socialization was a top priority.  It was of utmost importance to ensure a well socialized dog that enjoyed interactions with humans and other dogs.  I set a goal to ensure he had positive interactions everyday.
  3. Relaxing and enjoying the moment - Joey knows how to relax!  Life can be non-stop rushing it seems sometimes, but in the midst of it all, I'll see Joey relaxing in the sun.  At that moment, I'll go and sit right beside him, and enjoy it with him.
  4. Practicing - Putting your mind to practicing for a period of time can be challenging.  As Joey and I practice new tricks and behaviors we are rewarded with the outcome and look I forward to our sessions.
  5. Rewards - Joey shows a desired behavior and gets a reward.  "Hey wait a minute, I deserve rewards too."  We put time into work and studies and we deserve a little reward as well.  I like to reward myself with sitting down and reading a good novel for awhile.
  6. Attentiveness -  With all dogs and especially small dogs you have to be attentive to their behavior because their detrimental behavior might not be as noticeable.  With a four pound dog you might barely notice that he has jumped all over you, climbed on your lap and is now digging at your clothes.  Even so, we have to be attentive to these behaviors to correct on the spot!
  7. Words should hold meaning - This also relates to follow through and no nagging.   When I tell Joey, 'down,' I mean it.  If I let him get up and wonder away while I am repeating, 'down,' what does that word mean?  Having a dog has taught me to 'say it like I mean it.'
  8. A new language - Dogs do not communicate and hold emotion the same way we do and it would be unfair to expect them to.  It's our job to learn their 'language' and use it, because they can't learn ours.  Having a dog has taught me a whole new language.
  9. Forgive and Forget - Dogs don't intentionally displease us.  They don't know it is upsetting if they pee indoors, unless they are told.  So, don't bicker at your dog ten minutes after the deed is done.  Correct the behavior on the spot and forgive and forget!
  10. A new kind of love - We know dogs don't communicate or experience emotion the same way we do, but we care for them, teach them, play with them and love them for who they are.

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